Mobile Phone Masts and Mobile Phone Radiation.
Who in their right mind would not object to having a new Mobile Phone Mast placed close to their home? There is a whole wealth of epidemiological information pointing toward the fact that people who live in close proximity to these Mobile Phone Masts suffer from a much higher incidence of illnesses including various types of cancer. Now it is beyond the scope of this article to go over all the information related to Mobile Phone Masts and Mobile Phone Radiation because the main objective is to show you that these electromagnetic fields emanating from Mobile Phone Masts and Mobile Phone Radiation do leave an imprint that can in fact be damaging your health the effects of these EMFs are refered to often as Electro Smog (E Smog) Please read article on Electro Magnetic Field Dangers.
" There is a whole wealth of epidemiological information pointing toward the fact that people who live in close proximity to these Mobile Phone Masts suffer from a much higher incidence of illnesses"
Now I need to use the analogy of sunlight here because sunlight can be viewed as a frequency or as wavelength much the same as microwaves we all acknowledge that if you subject yourself to the suns rays the skin will tan and at the same time our skin will also utilise these rays to stimulate the production of Vitamin D a substance vital for our health. Now scientists will readily acknowledge the fact that over exposure to this spectre can cause our skin to burn that can damage cells that in time may become cancerous. The government through its departments has consistently given out warnings asking its citizens to protect themselves from over exposure to sunlight that ironically has now lead to many people suffering from a lack of vitaman D, because of the paranoia that has been cultivated of getting people to protect themselves from sunlight either by avoidance or plastering themselves with sunscreens (that harbour some nasty chemicals in their own right.....another subject for consideration)
Now Mobile Phones use frequencies in the Microwave spectrum and Microwave ovens use the same frequencies for cooking food and the criteria that the industry use for determining what is deemed to be a safe emissions level given out as Mobile Phone Radiation from the handsets, is based on the thermal concept of SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) that alludes to the measurement of the amount of electro magnetic radiation that is absorbed by the bodies cellular tissue when you use your mobile phone. More radiation is absorbed when the SAR value is higher (a totally misleading concept derived from tests carried funded by the Telecom's Industry). The industry feel that a 1 or 2 degree rise in temperature to the area of your head close to the antenna is not deemed sufficient to have any effect on your Biological system that will impact on your well being and this misconception is still bandied about with Government approval.
How can these frequencies from Mobile Phone Masts and Mobile Phone Radiation generated from Mobile Phone Handsets not be having an impact on our biological system? especially with regards to affecting cell tissue, well a wealth of published articles and epidemilogical studies are beginning to show otherwise please read the following links to articles featured recently in two of our national newspapers.
These studies are now showing up on a regular basis in the press and are to be found quite easily by anyone who wishes to search the internet. Of course the industries with vested interests will continue to debunk these detractors and Governments will continue to perpetuate their propaganda because there is too much money at stake to do otherwise.
Now when a body of 31 scientists from 14 countries representing WHO and IARC publish a press release that formed the basis of the previously quoted press reports Government Legislators and the Telecom's Industry should start taking take notice or ultimately face the consequences. See the link below!
In the United States there are several class action law suits currently pending against the Telecom Providers in which the plaintiffs are suing for millions of dollars in compensation citing that their brain cancers were caused as a result of such emissions! See link below relating to Brain tumour studies.
Links to Brain tumour studies that included longer-term users (10 years or more)The flood gates are beginning to open and never forget the lies told to congress by executives of the Tobacco Industry, they were covered by insurance to pay the subsequent claims made against them! If these lawsuits taken out against the Telecoms Industry result in payments being made in compensation they will have to be paid from their profits (the industry has no insurance in place for such claims) and if these judgments go for the plaintiffs against the industry they wiil have a profound impact that could result in an economic catastrophe unless respective Governments intervene to save face by bailing them out much like the Banking fiasco recently but what is for sure the Telecoms Industry is slowly being exposed for being less than truthful with regards to the dangers of Mobile Phone Masts and Mobile Phone Radiation.
Article Written by Leigh Bradley Bioenergetic Practitioner.