Bio resonance and allergy treatment In Essex.
Bio Resonance utilized properly has got some unique advantages in the field of allergy testing due to its versatility. The biggest advantage for a person suffering from allergies or food intolerance is that we can do something about desensitising the allergen that is affecting the individual enabling them to once more to come into contact with what was formerly causing their allergy or intolerance symptoms. This has helped greatly in giving allergy relief to affected individuals and in many cases eradicating the intolerances or allergies in question.
The biggest advantage on offer to the individual from the skilled Bio Resonance Practitioner is the amount of testing for intolerances and allergies that the therapist can do in a single session without exhausting the client (great for testing for allergies in Children and without any of the contra indications known to occur with some of the conventional forms of allergy testing. This can only be achieved because of the much broader holistic approach that is taken towards treating the individual.
“This has helped greatly in giving allergy relief and in many cases eradicating the intolerances or allergies in question”
It is not enough just to inform someone that they are intolerant or allergic to a substance, It is prudent to try and evaluate as to how one has got into the compromised situation by often identifying a host of blockages that do not always appear related but almost certainly contribute to the clinical problems faced by many individuals. At the clinic it is then possible to use the Bio Resonance Treatment Protocols to enable the patients homeostatic control systems to be brought back to homeostasis (Balance) again.
Bio resonance allows the therapist to test against the whole spectrum of food allergies, Including wheat, milk, dairy allergy, yeast, nut allergy, egg, fish, and peanut allergy.
It is also possible to establish whether there are any allergy symptoms to chemicals, pesticides and pathogens including parasites and also can test for (rubber) latex allergy. All types of pollens can be tested for plus fungus and mould spores.
Pet allergy testing and treatment for pet allergies.
Pet allergy testing is also carried out with allergic reactions to the animal dander of cats and dogs being the most common! Always try to bring a sample of your pet fur along to the clinic this helps with the testing and the subsequent process of your pet allergy treatment, keep it in a sealed plastic bag to prevent it starting your symptoms off! The same applies to Dust Mite Allergy issues, just bring a sample of your household dust from the contents of your hover bag sealed in a plastic bag.
If you are the allergy sufferer get someone else to do this chore for you.
For those individuals who are undergoing asthma treatment we can provide a whole back drop of complementary treatments and practical advice on things to do including recommending a suitable method of Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning that will go a long way in helping to alleviate the asthma problems.
Article Written by Leigh Bradley Bio Energetic Practitioner.